Origin: Tea Farm Bô, Wazuka, Kyoto
Cultivar: Asahi
Elevation: 150 m
Harvest: April 2022 (First Flush), scissor picked
Type of steaming: Chuumushi (short steaming)
Ideal storing: After opening please use as soon as possible (maximum 3 months) and store in a cool, light-protected place.
Weight: 80 g
Steeping Method
First infusion:
・Amount of tea :4 - 5 g
・Water temperature:about 70℃
・Water amount:about 70 ml
・Steep duration:30 - 50 sec
Second infusion:
・Water temperature:about 70℃
・Steep duration:10 sec
Third infusion:
・Water temperature:about 80℃
・Steep duration:20 sec
Fourth infusion:
・Water temperature:about 80℃
・Steep duration:30 sec
Due to the fact that yield is low compared to other cultivars, Asahi is mainly used for higher priced teas, such as Matcha or Gyokuro. Senchas of this cultivar are a real rarity.
Very green and sweet in taste, which is completed with the typical elegant Asahi aroma, slightly reminiscent of cocoa. Extremely complex and very intense - overall, this Sencha is slightly reminiscent of a green oolong
A fresh aroma is complemented with a strong sweetness and fruity umami. Well-balanced, elegant, but at the same time very intense in taste.