Origin: Fukui Tea-Farm, Uji (Kyoto)
Cultivar: Asahi, Saemidori, Samidori, Gokô
Shading time: 35 - 40 days
Elevation: 20 m
Harvest: May 2020 (First Flush), hand picked
Type of steaming: Asamushi (short steaming)
Ideal storing: Use as soon as possible after opening. If possible store in the refrigerator and wait five minutes after taking it out of the refrigerator until the tea has reached room temperature.
Weight: 50 g
Steeping Method
First infusion:
・Amount of tea :5 g
・Water temperature:about 50℃
・Water amount:about 50 ml
・Steep duration:2 - 3 min
Second infusion:
・Water temperature:about 60℃
・Steep duration:90 sec
Third infusion:
・Water temperature:about 70℃
・Steep duration:120 sec
Fourth infusion:
・Water temperature:about 80℃
・Steep duration:3 min
We helped at this year's harvest at Mr. Fukui's farm, here are some impressions:

"Ori" means the same as Karigane but to Tencha. This means that the stem content is higher than in normal tea.
The "little brother" of the Tsuji competition Tencha "Ori." Extremely mild with almost no bitter substances, plus a special umami and sweetness that can only be found in Tencha. A special tea at a comparatively low price.